Child safeguarding

Six months into the "Keeping children safe in sports" project, carried out by Terre des hommes in Romania and Greece

In October 2019, Terre des hommes (Tdh) launched a unique European project, aimed at promoting child safeguarding policies in sports settings in Romania and Greece, as a means to protect and safeguard children. Through this project, Tdh has committed to make sure that children and young people benefit from special safeguarding policies when practicing various sports. This is how the project activities began and how they evolved. 

Child Safeguarding Standards and how to implement them [Keeping Children Safe]

The first Child Safeguarding Standards were launched over 12 years ago by a coalition of relief and development charities that later became known as Keeping Children Safe.

Since then there has been a growing recognition that, as well as risks to children from staff and associates, inappropriately designed programmes and poor operational management can also create the possibility of risks to children.

Recommendations on the protection of young athletes and safeguarding children's rights in sport [European Union]

An expert group (XG) on Good Governance was set up in 2015 to produce recommendations on this key topic. The XG held its first meeting on 16 October 20214 and began its work on the protection of minors deliverable on 23 February 2016, followed by further discussions on 12 May and 14 July.