Awareness raising and education

Standing Committee Policy Strategy on Spectator Violence (2014-2016) [Council of Europe]

The Council of Europe Standing Committee on Spectator Violence (the standing committee) believes that a multi-year policy strategy is needed to set out a coherent roadmap for the mid-term.

The standing committee decided to assess the implementation of its policy strategy (2014-2016), in particular by identifying the goals that were reached, those that were not, and what needs to be improved. By publishing the result of this analysis, the committee wishes:

Mapping of good practices relating to social inclusion of migrants through sport [European Union]

The aim of this study is to provide an analytical overview of the types of sports related projects and interventions used to support the social inclusion of migrants and to identify best practice in their design, implementation and measurement. The study used a literature review, stakeholder interviews and an analysis of the key strengths and success factors of relevant projects based on a typology.

Start to Talk - Call for Action against Sexual exploitation and abuse [Council of Europe]

Sexual abuse happens in sport too. It is hard for children to talk. Video clip to call public authorities and the sport movement to give children a voice and stop child sexual abuse in sport. Produced by the Council of Europe with the support of the European Union in the framework of ProSafeSport .

[Romania] Child Safeguarding in Sport Promoted by Roman Bürki, Terre des hommes Ambassador and Goalkeeper at Borussia Dortmund

Roman Bürki, Terre des hommes ambassador and goalkeeper of the German football club Borussia Dortmund, visited Romania from 22 to 24 May 2019 to get acquainted with Terre des hommes’ projects and to promote the need to keep children safe in sport.

"Every child has the right to a safe childhood, to play and be safe, and not to worry about anything else", said footballer Roman Bürki.