Sport events

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Standing Committee Policy Strategy on Spectator Violence (2014-2016) [Council of Europe]

The Council of Europe Standing Committee on Spectator Violence (the standing committee) believes that a multi-year policy strategy is needed to set out a coherent roadmap for the mid-term.

The standing committee decided to assess the implementation of its policy strategy (2014-2016), in particular by identifying the goals that were reached, those that were not, and what needs to be improved. By publishing the result of this analysis, the committee wishes:

Child Exploitation and the FIFA World Cup: A review of risks and protective interventions [Brunel University London]

This review was commissioned by the Child Abuse Programme (CAP) of Oak Foundation, a large international philanthropic organisation. It forms part of CAP’s effort to win societal rejection of practices such as the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents around major sporting events (MSEs), and to embed prevention and protection from exploitation as a permanent concern for global sports-related bodies.