Child protection policy

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The Albanian Football Association and Terre des hommes Albania conduct training on child and youth protection in football

In December 2022, the Albanian Football Association (AFA) in partnership with Terre des hommes Albania organised a training session on “Child Safeguarding in Football”. Since a long time, the AFA has been committed to developing and implementing its policies for the protection and preservation of the safety of children in football, also based on the guidelines of UEFA and FIFA.

“Up to Us” FIFA Guardians

This is a toolkit developed by FIFA, for its member organisations in order to establish guiding principles and minimum rquirements that will help leaders and organisers in football to ensure a safe and nurturing environment for children. The toolkit is part of FIFA's overall committment to safeguard children and will be supplemented with further guidance, templates, knowledge-sharing and training to support members.

Recommendations on the protection of young athletes and safeguarding children's rights in sport [European Commission]

An expert group (XG) on Good Governance was set up in 2015 to produce recommendations on this key topic. The XG held its first meeting on 16 October 20214 and began its work on the protection of minors deliverable on 23 February 2016, followed by further discussions on 12 May and 14 July.