Report / Study / Data

Displaying 1 - 9 of 9

Mapping of good practices relating to social inclusion of migrants through sport [European Commission]

The aim of this study is to provide an analytical overview of the types of sports related projects and interventions used to support the social inclusion of migrants and to identify best practice in their design, implementation and measurement. The study used a literature review, stakeholder interviews and an analysis of the key strengths and success factors of relevant projects based on a typology.

Child Exploitation and the FIFA World Cup: A review of risks and protective interventions [Brunel University London]

This review was commissioned by the Child Abuse Programme (CAP) of Oak Foundation, a large international philanthropic organisation. It forms part of CAP’s effort to win societal rejection of practices such as the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents around major sporting events (MSEs), and to embed prevention and protection from exploitation as a permanent concern for global sports-related bodies.

Mapping of good practices relating to social inclusion of migrants through sport [European Union]

The aim of this study is to provide an analytical overview of the types of sports related projects and interventions used to support the social inclusion of migrants and to identify best practice in their design, implementation and measurement. The study used a literature review, stakeholder interviews and an analysis of the key strengths and success factors of relevant projects based on a typology.