The Sporting Chance Forum 2019 (SCF 2019) was convened on 21-22 November at the United Nations (UN) Palais des Nations in Geneva during the week that commemorated the 30th anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). SCF 2019 continued the process begun in 2016 of building bridges between the worlds of sport and human rights, and supported the aims of the Centre for Sport and Human Rights.
Watch below the recording of the "Safeguarding & Protecting Adult Athletes & Children in Sport" session that took place during the Sporting Chance Forum 2019. Safeguarding in sport is the process of protecting children and adults from harm by providing a safe environment in which to participate in sports, whether as an athlete or fan. Everyone has a role to play in keeping others safe. The session will provide an opportunity to learn about the safeguarding experiences of sport federations. It will provide those federations that may not yet have, or have only begun to establish, safeguarding policies and procedures with insights and tools that may be relevant to their circumstances.
The session was moderated by:
- Anne Tiivas (Chair and Director, Safe Sport International)
- Áine Power (Deputy Legal Director at Federation Equestre Internationale)
- Siret Luik (Deputy Secretary General, World Archery)
- Gigi Alford (Sport and Human Rights, World Players Association; Coordinator, Sport and Rights Alliance)
- Aaron Smith (Young Ambassador, National Olympic Committee of Northern Ireland)