Webinar recording: Safeguarding Children in Sport: from research to action

Date and time of webinar

This was the fourth webinar in a series organised in the framework of the European Union and Council of Europe joint project "Child Safeguarding in Sport (CSiS)".

The webinar was presented by NOC*NSF, The Netherlands. It took place on Thursday, 28 January 2021, from 12.00 to 14.00 CET. 

Watch below the recording of the webinar. 

In this webinar, NOC*NSF Director Gerard Dielessen will explain how a joint line of responsibility on the topic with the national sports federations has been established, following a national survey on sexual harassment and abuse in sport (2017) and in cooperation with the Dutch Government, and what measures this has led to. Then, Nicolette van Veldhoven will present the latest prevalence figures for transgressive behaviour in Dutch sports (emotional, physical and sexual) and the pedagogical approach that will support prevention at clubs working closely with the national federations.

Opening and welcome

  • Ms Viktoria Slavkova, member of the EPAS Governing Board, Director of European Programmes, Projects and International Cooperation at the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Bulgaria


  • Mr Gerard Dielessen, Secretary General NOC*NSF
  • Dr Nicolette (H.M.J.) Schipper van Veldhoven, Senior Advisor Youth Sport, NOC*NSF and Professor in Sport Pedagogy, Windesheim University of Applied Sciences
Target group