Article: Telling (dangerous) stories, a narrative account of a youth coach’s experience of an unfounded allegation of child abuse
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This document details eight safeguards that should be put in place by any organisation providing sports activities to children and young people. Reflecting international legal and child protection standards and good practice, these Safeguards have been informed by research conducted by Brunel University with a diverse range of perspectives from different countries and have been piloted by organisations all over the world.
The eight safeguards are:
UNICEF has published a step-by-step guidance for businesses on how to set up their onw, internal child safeguarding policies, in order to ensure the safety and rights of children that come into contact wiht the organisation or its products and services.
Sexual abuse happens in sport too. It is hard for children to talk. Video clip to call public authorities and the sport movement to give children a voice and stop child sexual abuse in sport. Produced by the Council of Europe with the support of the European Union in the framework of ProSafeSport .