Child protection

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Recommendations on the protection of young athletes and safeguarding children's rights in sport [European Union]

An expert group (XG) on Good Governance was set up in 2015 to produce recommendations on this key topic. The XG held its first meeting on 16 October 20214 and began its work on the protection of minors deliverable on 23 February 2016, followed by further discussions on 12 May and 14 July.

Standards for safeguarding and protecting children in sport [NSPCC]

These Standards provide a framework for all those involved in sport to help them create a safe sporting environment for children and young people and protect them from harm.

The Standards for safeguarding and protecting children in sport (PDF) also seek to provide a benchmark to help those involved in sport make informed decisions, and to promote good practice and challenge poor practice.

Child Exploitation and the FIFA World Cup: A review of risks and protective interventions [Brunel University London]

This review was commissioned by the Child Abuse Programme (CAP) of Oak Foundation, a large international philanthropic organisation. It forms part of CAP’s effort to win societal rejection of practices such as the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents around major sporting events (MSEs), and to embed prevention and protection from exploitation as a permanent concern for global sports-related bodies.

International Safeguards for Children in Sport

This document details eight safeguards that should be put in place by any organisation providing sports activities to children and young people. Reflecting international legal and child protection standards and good practice, these Safeguards have been informed by research conducted by Brunel University with a diverse range of perspectives from different countries and have been piloted by organisations all over the world.

The eight safeguards are:

Podcast: Parental involvement in sport - audio series [NSPCC]

The NSPCC Child Protection in Sport Unit (CPSU) has launched a series of podcasts to share safeguarding guidance and best practice. The first 2 episodes have been released as part of Parents in Sport Week 2018, featuring sports parents and discussing how they contribute to their child's sport, the needs children of different age have related to sport, we well as how sport clubs can work with parents to provide them relevant information and support.

Check the link below to access available podcasts.