The football association of Moldova launches their child safeguarding policy

  • The football association of Moldova launches their child safeguarding policy

The Football Association of Moldova (FAM) in partnership with Terre des hommes Moldova is implementing the project “SAFE FOOTBALL FOR CHILDREN IN MOLDOVA”, funded by the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) under the UEFA Football and Social Responsibility Programme and the UEFA HatTrick Assistance Programme. The aim of the project is to ensure a safe and protective environment for all children who practice football in Moldova, meaning, first of all, that adults involved in sports must have the necessary knowledge of abuse, how to recognize and report the cases of violence. In this context, the FAM aims to ensure that all professionals are well informed and well equipped to prevent violence, but also to intervene in certain risk situations.

Safety in sport refers to the prevention of any form by which the child can be adversely affected - emotionally, verbally, physically or sexually - in places where he or she does performance or recreational sports. 

Protection policies are extremely important and necessary, as they aim to protect children and young people who do sports, defend the integrity of sports organiszations and promote sports values. On April 15, 2021, the FAM approved the Child Protection Policy (FAM).

“We want all adults to be better informed and encouraged to respect children’s rights, to react correctly to any violation of children’s rights in the sports environment, and children should be informed about their rights,” said Svetlana Patras, Coordinator FSR Project “SAFE FOOTBALL FOR CHILDREN IN MOLDOVA”.

Information about the FSR project “SAFE FOOTBALL FOR CHILDREN IN MOLDOVA”.
