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This awareness raising course on child safeguarding in football offers an induction to safeguarding and will be the starting point to reflect on how to keep children safe in football. In order to take this course, you must be a registered member.…
A UEFA lançou, em parceria com a Terre des hommes, um projeto de proteção de jovens atletas no futebol, destinado a ajudar federações membros da UEFA e outros intervenientes no futebol a reforçar os seus conhecimentos e aptidões na área da proteção…
UEFA lanceerde in partnerschap met Terre des hommes een project omtrent een veilig voetbalklimaat voor kinderen. Zo proberen ze hun aangesloten verenigingen en andere belanghebbenden in het voetbal te helpen bij het versterken van kennis en…
UEFA rozpoczęła projekt "Ochrona dzieci w piłce nożnej" we współpracy z Terre des hommes, aby pomóc związkom członkowskim UEFA i innym zainteresowanym stronom związanym z piłką nożną w poszerzeniu wiedzy i umiejętności w zakresie ochrony dzieci.…
DEUTSCH (CH) - FRANÇAIS (CH) - ITALIANO (CH) L’Association Suisse de Football ASF propose des cours en ligne sur la sauvegarde de l’enfance à ses clubs. Ces cours sont disponibles en allemand (CH), français (CH) et italien (CH)…
DEUTSCH (CH) - FRANÇAIS (CH) - ITALIANO (CH) L'Associazione Svizzera di Football ASF offre corsi online sulla protezione dei bambini ai suoi club. I corsi sono disponibili in tedesco (CH), francese (CH) e italiano (IT) e sono basati sul concetto di…
"Everybody in the gym saw it, but no one did anything! I was so confused." (a survivor) Sports professionals from Europe are invited at an international webinar about responding to harassment and abuse in sport. This is a Safe Sport Allies…
Supportive environments positively impact participation, performance, and personal development of young football players. Since 2020, the UEFA Social & Environmental Sustainability Division has taken significant strides in relation to…