Awareness raising

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The Albanian Football Association and Terre des hommes Albania sign a cooperation agreement for the protection and safety of children in football

On 9 February 2023, the Albanian Football Association (AFA) and Terre des hommes Albania (Tdh) signed a cooperation agreement in the field of child protection in football, in line with UEFA's initiative to develop national child protection policies for each of its 55 members. The agreement comes as a continuation of the previous collaboration to improve the quality of child protection in football, including Tdh's contribution to the drafting of two important documents of the AFA: the child protection policy in football and the code of ethics.

The Albanian Football Association and Terre des hommes Albania conduct training on child and youth protection in football

In December 2022, the Albanian Football Association (AFA) in partnership with Terre des hommes Albania organised a training session on “Child Safeguarding in Football”. Since a long time, the AFA has been committed to developing and implementing its policies for the protection and preservation of the safety of children in football, also based on the guidelines of UEFA and FIFA.

Football unites to promote the play safe message [English Football Association]

The whole of football in England – at every level – joined forces to promote ‘Play Safe’, a national campaign to focus attention on the vital importance of safeguarding in football. 

Play Safe is officially supported by the NSPCC and will run on a designated weekend every season from now on.

At the heart of the campaign are three short films to emphasise the importance of safeguarding for key groups of people, crucially children themselves. As you’ll see, England men’s and women’s players are right behind Play Safe too.

UEFA bērnu aizsardzības tiešsaistes kursi [Latvian]

UEFA sadarbībā ar organizāciju “Terre des hommes” uzsāka bērnu aizsardzības projektu futbolā, lai palīdzētu UEFA biedru asociācijām un citām futbolā ieinteresētajām personām nostiprināt viņu bērnu zināšanas un prasmes.

Projekts ietver bērnu aizsardzības rīku komplektu un četrus pavadošos tiešsaistes kursus. Interaktīvie kursi paredzēti ikvienam, kas strādā ar bērniem futbolā vai interesējas par šo jomu.

Ukrainian Association of Football raises awareness on child safeguarding and builds capacity to protect minors in football

Over the past six months, the Ukrainian Association of Football (UAF) has participated in the UEFA child safeguarding mentoring programme. This pilot project, which was implemented with the support of the international children’s aid organisation Terre des hommes (Tdh), aims to support UAF in developing and strengthening child safeguarding in football in Ukraine.

The International Safeguards for Children in Sport initiative declares 8 August to be Safer Sport Day

Children have the right to participate in sport in a safe and enjoyable environment. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. The International Safeguards for Children in Sport initiative declared 8 August to be Safer Sport Day, aiming to raise awareness of the need to make sport safe for children.