In December 2021, the UAF Executive Committee approved the UAF Child Safeguarding Policy (under 18 years of age).
This policy confirms the desire of the Ukrainian Association of Football to create conditions for safe football and children’s participation in football-related activities, regardless of their age, gender, ethnicity, social origin, religion, ability or disability, etc.
The UAF Child Safeguarding Policy is based on a package of documents in the area of child protection developed by UEFA in cooperation with the International Children’s Aid Foundation “Terre des hommes”, and in cooperation with the Public Organisation “La Strada-Ukraine”. This document is also designed to implement the provisions of Art. 10 of the Law of Ukraine “On Child Protection”.
The policy takes into account changes in some legislative acts of Ukraine on the implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on the protection of children against sexual exploitation and sexual abuse (Lanzarote Convention).
This document is a source of information and reference material for people who work with children directly or indirectly in the area of football in Ukraine.
In 2021, the Ukrainian Association of Football has already begun work to raise awareness of those who work with children about the protection of football wards. Such introductory trainings will be held in 2022.