Webinar recording: The “step-model” to prevent sexual violence in sport

Date and time of webinar

This is the fifth webinar in a series organised in the framework of the European Union and Council of Europe joint project "Child Safeguarding in Sport (CSiS)".

The webinar was presented by German Sports Youth (German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB)). It took place on Thursday, 4 February 2021, from 10.00 to 12.00 CET. Watch the recording of the webinar below. 

The German Sports Youth (DSJ) in the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB) is responsible for the prevention of sexual violence in sport for the entire association. As part of the webinar, we would like to introduce you to the various functions of child safeguarding officers, who have different orientations and tasks due to the structure of the German sport system. The webinar will also present a set of measures to which all youth sport organisations are committed, called “Step model”, to discuss its implementation in practice, as well as its ongoing reform.

Opening and welcome

  • Mr Alexandre Husting, Chair of the EPAS Governing Board, Advisor at the Permanent Representation of Luxembourg to the European Union
  • Ms Paola Ottonello, Sport Policy Officer, European Commission
  • Ms Mirte Seinen, consultant on the prevention of sexual violence in sport, German Sports Youth


  • Ms Meral Molkentin, Child Safeguarding officer, State Sports Federation Berlin
  • Ms Karin Steinrücke, Child Safeguarding officer, German Football Association
  • Ms Elena Lamby, Officer Child Safeguarding in Sport, German Sports Youth
Target group