The Liechtenstein Football Association and the Liechtenstein Olympic Committee together for child safeguarding

  • LFV
Liechtenstein Football Association

The Liechtenstein Football Association and the Liechtenstein Olympic Committee are committed to continuously focus strongly on the issue of child safeguarding. To this end, the two sports associations have now signed a declaration of commitment. 

With the launch of the initiative "Kinder und Jugendliche stark machen im Sport" ("Making children and young people strong in sports") in 2020, the Liechtenstein Football Association and the Liechtenstein Olympic Committee took the first step towards a long-term cooperation in the field of child safeguarding. The next milestone was reached on 15 January 2021, when the Liechtenstein Football Association and the Liechtenstein Olympic Committee signed a declaration of commitment on child safeguarding. 

The Liechtenstein Football Association is aware of the great importance of child safeguarding in sports. To this end, various measures are being taken in cooperation with the clubs to ensure that sports can be experienced as safe, positive, and enjoyable for all children. "It is good to see that the clubs are aware of the importance of child safeguarding and that they support the initiatives taken by the association", says LFV President Hugo Quaderer. 

In addition to the fundamental development of child safeguarding in sports by the two partners, also in 2021 a focal subject will be tackled. Whereas last year in 2020 all was about raising awareness on the topic of bullying, this year, workshops, and training sessions will be held on the topic of addiction prevention. 

H.S.H. Princess Anunciata of Liechtenstein, LOC Vice-President and patron of the joint initiative, points out the importance of simple and effective offers for the clubs: "Many sports clubs in Liechtenstein have also been doing very good work in this area for a long time. In the future, we would like to show more ways in which simple measures can be used both to make the system even safer and to better promote the life skills of children." 

In the long term, the two partners in close cooperation with the responsible authorities in Liechtenstein have set themselves the goal of actively tackling the issue in sports and supporting the clubs. On the one hand, general, sport-specific foundations for prevention will be developed and on the other hand, a focal subject will continue to be worked on annually.