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Keeping Children Safe 2020 Summit will take place between 5 and 9 October 2020.
Register today and join global child safeguarding practitioners, academics and experts to get immersed in the latest research. Find answers to challenges you face…
This paper focuses on the potential impacts of COVID-19 on children associated with sport. It was compiled based on the input of 37 experts and practitioners in the fields of child rights, protection, and safeguarding in sport. In addition to…
Following the recent launch of the #SafeHome campaign, a joint initiative by FIFA, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the European Commission to support women and children at risk of domestic violence, FIFA representatives joined…
Truth Project Thematic Report "Child sexual abuse in sports" presents the Inquiry’s (Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse) research findings about experiences of victims and survivors of child sexual abuse in sports and the response of…
This article by Richard Bush "sets out the key aspects of the FIFA Guardians toolkit, providing some commentary on the document and some further steps that international governing bodies might see fit to take in respect of safeguarding and…
The NSPCC Child Protection in Sport Unit (CPSU) has released the recording of the webinar discussing sexual offending and the grooming and entrapment process, looking at what this means for the sporting environment and outlining actions…
The FA encourages the appropriate use of social media to help run your teams and leagues, communicate with players (via their parents/carers when under-16), and appoint referees, log results and much more.
Whatever way we communicate with children…
Das Toolkit zum Kinderschutz im europäischen Fußball wurde von der UEFA und Terre des hommes entwickelt, um die UEFA-Mitgliedsverbände dabei zu unterstützen, Kinder vor Missbrauch zu schützen und auf auftretende Bedenken angemessen zu reagieren.…
Пакет по защите детей в европейском футболе был разработан УЕФА в сотрудничестве с организацией Terre des hommes, чтобы помочь ассоциациям-членам УЕФА защитить и уберечь детей от ненадлежащего обращения и реагировать на возникающие проблемы.…
The child safeguarding toolkit for European football was developed by UEFA and Terre des hommes to help UEFA member associations protect and safeguard children from abuse and respond to any concerns. The toolkit recognises that many…