
Displaying 181 - 190 of 248
The Child Participation in Safeguarding 2022 Global Summit, taking place from 6 to 8 September, is the first step in a three-year child participation programme developed by Keeping Children Safe. During the summit, UEFA and…
What is the webinar about? Children have the right to freely express their views and participate in decisions that affect their lives (Art. 12 and 13 of the Convention in the Rights of the Child). Adults working with children in football…
UEFA, bendradarbiaudama su „Terre des hommes“, pradėjo vaikų saugumo užtikrinimo futbole projektą, kuriuo siekiama padėti UEFA asociacijoms narėms ir kitiems suinteresuotiesiems subjektams sustiprinti žinias ir įgūdžius vaikų saugumo užtikrinimo…
UEFA – Terre des hommes partnership Ensuring that football is a safe and positive experience for children Who we are The Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) is the governing body of European football and the umbrella organisation…
This course is designed for child care practitioners and child protection workers who want to learn more about helping children to participate in the decisions which affect them. As front-line practitioners, we have a great deal of influence in the…
UEFA ka nisur një projekt për mbrojtjen e fëmijëve në futboll në partneritet me organizatën Terre des Hommes për të ndihmuar shoqatat anëtare të UEFA-s dhe aktorët e tjerë të futbollit që të përforcojnë njohuritë dhe aftësitë e tyre për mbrojtjen e…
UEFA spustila v partnerstve s Terre des hommes projekt ochrany detí vo futbale s cieľom pomôcť členským asociáciám UEFA a ďalším zainteresovaným stranám posilniť ich znalosti a zručnosti v oblasti ochrany detí. Projekt zahŕňa súbor nástrojov na…