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Besides coaches, many people work directly or indirectly with children in football. All of them have the responsibility to be informed about children safeguarding and respond accordingly, when needed. This course will help them in fulfilling this…
We acknowledge the key role that coaches play in safeguarding children. This specialised course will help coaches to enhance their knowledge and improve child safeguarding practices.
In order to take this course, you must be a registered…
Date of issue of the latest version of this cookie information: [04/2020]
We may change this cookie information from time to time, when we do we will place an updated version on the UEFA Child Hub (as defined below). The UEFA Child Hub may also…
UEFA a lansat un proiect pentru protecția copilului în fotbal în parteneriat cu Terre des hommes pentru a ajuta asociațiile membre UEFA și alte părți interesate din fotbal să îți reîmprospăteze cunoștințele și aptitudinile cu privire la protecția…