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UEFA a lansat un proiect pentru protecția copilului în fotbal în parteneriat cu Terre des hommes pentru a ajuta asociațiile membre UEFA și alte părți interesate din fotbal să îți reîmprospăteze cunoștințele și aptitudinile cu privire la protecția…
This awareness raising course on child safeguarding in football offers an induction to safeguarding and will be the starting point to reflect on how to keep children safe in football.
In order to take this course, you must be a registered member.…
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In the fight to protect children from sexual abuse, authorities and sports organisations are becoming more aware of the need to put necessary measures in place to provide a safe environment for young athletes. One of the questions they need to…
UEFA rozpoczęła projekt "Ochrona dzieci w piłce nożnej" we współpracy z Terre des hommes, aby pomóc związkom członkowskim UEFA i innym zainteresowanym stronom związanym z piłką nożną w poszerzeniu wiedzy i umiejętności w zakresie ochrony dzieci.…