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The full article is only available after purchase. Abstract Sexual harassment in sport has become an active research field within the past decade yet we know relatively little about the characteristics of the harassing coach. How are harassing…
The full article is only available after purchase. Abstract Sexual harassment research was first undertaken in the workplace and educational settings. Research on sexual harassment in sport is scarce but has grown steadily since the mid-1980s.…
The publication in full is only available after purchase. Abstract Through feminist research in the study of sport, the issue of child sexual abuse has been driven onto the agenda of sports organisations, resulting in considerable practical reform…
The Council of Europe has put together guidance and examples of Code of Conduct in sports.   "Guiding principle One of the most popular instruments to protect children’s safety in sport is the code of conduct for all people involved in sport…
L’UEFA ha avviato, in collaborazione con Terre des hommes, un progetto dedicato alla tutela dei minori nel calcio per aiutare le associazioni affiliate all’UEFA e gli altri soggetti coinvolti nel mondo del calcio ad aumentare le proprie conoscenze e…
DEUTSCH (CH) - FRANÇAIS (CH) - ITALIANO (CH) Der Schweizerische Fussballverband SFV bietet seinen Clubs Online-Kurse in den drei Landessprachen, Deutsch (CH), Französisch (CH) und Italienisch (CH) an. Die Kurse basieren auf dem…
UEFA sadarbībā ar organizāciju “Terre des hommes” uzsāka bērnu aizsardzības projektu futbolā, lai palīdzētu UEFA biedru asociācijām un citām futbolā ieinteresētajām personām nostiprināt viņu bērnu zināšanas un prasmes. Projekts ietver bērnu…
This online course was developed by Terre des hommes, within the "Keeping Children Safe in Sports" project. The project aims to promote child safeguarding in sports and summer camp settings in Romania and Greece, however, this knowledge can be…
In the past two years, Terre des hommes (Tdh) has implemented the Keeping Children Safe in Sports project. The project teams have developed and promoted child safeguarding policies and procedures for sport and recreational settings from Romania and…