Child safeguarding

Kursy online UEFA dotyczące ochrony dzieci [Polish]

UEFA rozpoczęła projekt "Ochrona dzieci w piłce nożnej" we współpracy z Terre des hommes, aby pomóc związkom członkowskim UEFA i innym zainteresowanym stronom związanym z piłką nożną w poszerzeniu wiedzy i umiejętności w zakresie ochrony dzieci.

Projekt obejmuje zestaw narzędzi do ochrony dzieci oraz cztery towarzyszące kursy internetowe. Interaktywne kursy przeznaczone są dla wszystkich, którzy pracują z dziećmi w piłce nożnej lub są zainteresowani tą dziedziną.

Football unites to promote the play safe message [English Football Association]

The whole of football in England – at every level – joined forces to promote ‘Play Safe’, a national campaign to focus attention on the vital importance of safeguarding in football. 

Play Safe is officially supported by the NSPCC and will run on a designated weekend every season from now on.

At the heart of the campaign are three short films to emphasise the importance of safeguarding for key groups of people, crucially children themselves. As you’ll see, England men’s and women’s players are right behind Play Safe too.

The Latvian Football Federation translates the UEFA child safeguarding online courses into Latvian

The Latvian Football Federation (LFF) in cooperation with UEFA and the children’s aid organisation Terre des hommes launched the “For Safe Football” project to strengthen child safeguarding in football. Within the project, the UEFA online courses dedicated to this topic were translated into Latvian.

UEFA bērnu aizsardzības tiešsaistes kursi [Latvian]

UEFA sadarbībā ar organizāciju “Terre des hommes” uzsāka bērnu aizsardzības projektu futbolā, lai palīdzētu UEFA biedru asociācijām un citām futbolā ieinteresētajām personām nostiprināt viņu bērnu zināšanas un prasmes.

Projekts ietver bērnu aizsardzības rīku komplektu un četrus pavadošos tiešsaistes kursus. Interaktīvie kursi paredzēti ikvienam, kas strādā ar bērniem futbolā vai interesējas par šo jomu.

From Compliance to Culture: strategic safeguarding - conference on 28 September 2021

Following several safeguarding concerns in sport and physical activity, this conference will support senior leaders to create a safe culture

About this event

Sport England, The Football Association and the NSPCC’s Child Protection in Sport Unit would like to invite you to a virtual conference over two days 28th September 2021 1pm-5pm with a networking hour until 6pm and then the following day 10am-1pm 29th September.

The Football Federation of Armenia participates in the UEFA child safeguarding mentoring programme

The Football Federation of Armenia (FFA) is one of the eleven UEFA member associations that were selected to participate in the UEFA child safeguarding mentoring programme. UEFA and Terre des hommes (Tdh) launched the six-month long pilot programme in January 2021, aiming to individually support the national associations in their child safeguarding efforts and strengthen the existing safeguards.

The Romanian Football Federation launches their e-learning platform for the development of sports and safeguarding

The Romanian Football Federation launched this April the National Football Academy (NFA), which aims to become the most significant provider of educational programs in sports in Romania. The Academy plans to build capacity through specialised education and thereby to contribute to the professionalization of sports specialists. In doing so, NFA aims to contribute to the development of sports organizations generally as well supporting the sustainable development of football in Romania.