Child safeguarding

UEFA vaikų saugumo užtikrinimo nuotoliniai kursai [Lithuanian]

UEFA, bendradarbiaudama su „Terre des hommes“, pradėjo vaikų saugumo užtikrinimo futbole projektą, kuriuo siekiama padėti UEFA asociacijoms narėms ir kitiems suinteresuotiesiems subjektams sustiprinti žinias ir įgūdžius vaikų saugumo užtikrinimo srityje.

Projektą sudaro vaikų saugumo užtikrinimo priemonių rinkinys ir keturi nuotolinio mokymosi kursai. Nuotolinio mokymosi kursai skirti visiems su vaikais futbole dirbantiems arba šia sritimi besidomintiems asmenims.

The Italian Football Federation provides training for the protection of children and adolescents against abuse, violence and discrimination

The Italian Football Federation (FIGC), UEFA and Terre des Hommes Italy continue their efforts to provide training for the protection of children and adolescents against abuse, violence and discrimination. The UEFA child safeguarding courses are now available in Italian on UEFA's specialised platform.

UEFA unveils sustainability strategy focusing on human rights and the environment

‘Strength through Unity’ aims to inspire, activate and accelerate collective action to respect human rights and the environment within the context of European football through to 2030.

UEFA has announced the launch of its innovative Football Sustainability Strategy 2030 – ‘Strength through Unity’, a long-term commitment by UEFA.

Ukrainian Association of Football approved its Child Safeguarding Policy

In December 2021, the UAF Executive Committee approved the UAF Child Safeguarding Policy (under 18 years of age).

This policy confirms the desire of the Ukrainian Association of Football to create conditions for safe football and children’s participation in football-related activities, regardless of their age, gender, ethnicity, social origin, religion, ability or disability, etc.