Awareness raising and education
UEFA unveils sustainability strategy focusing on human rights and the environment
‘Strength through Unity’ aims to inspire, activate and accelerate collective action to respect human rights and the environment within the context of European football through to 2030.
UEFA has announced the launch of its innovative Football Sustainability Strategy 2030 – ‘Strength through Unity’, a long-term commitment by UEFA.
Cursos online de proteção de crianças da UEFA [Portuguese]
A UEFA lançou, em parceria com a Terre des hommes, um projeto de proteção de jovens atletas no futebol, destinado a ajudar federações membros da UEFA e outros intervenientes no futebol a reforçar os seus conhecimentos e aptidões na área da proteção das crianças.
Kursy online UEFA dotyczące ochrony dzieci [Polish]
UEFA rozpoczęła projekt "Ochrona dzieci w piłce nożnej" we współpracy z Terre des hommes, aby pomóc związkom członkowskim UEFA i innym zainteresowanym stronom związanym z piłką nożną w poszerzeniu wiedzy i umiejętności w zakresie ochrony dzieci.
Projekt obejmuje zestaw narzędzi do ochrony dzieci oraz cztery towarzyszące kursy internetowe. Interaktywne kursy przeznaczone są dla wszystkich, którzy pracują z dziećmi w piłce nożnej lub są zainteresowani tą dziedziną.
Corsi online dell’UEFA in materia di tutela dei minori [Italian]
L’UEFA ha avviato, in collaborazione con Terre des hommes, un progetto dedicato alla tutela dei minori nel calcio per aiutare le associazioni affiliate all’UEFA e gli altri soggetti coinvolti nel mondo del calcio ad aumentare le proprie conoscenze e competenze in materia di tutela dei minori.
Football unites to promote the play safe message [English Football Association]
The whole of football in England – at every level – joined forces to promote ‘Play Safe’, a national campaign to focus attention on the vital importance of safeguarding in football.
Play Safe is officially supported by the NSPCC and will run on a designated weekend every season from now on.
At the heart of the campaign are three short films to emphasise the importance of safeguarding for key groups of people, crucially children themselves. As you’ll see, England men’s and women’s players are right behind Play Safe too.
UEFA awareness raising materials on child and youth protection: leaflet, posters, and content for social media
Awareness-raising is the activity of informing and educating as many people as possible about a topic; in our case, about child and youth safeguarding in football. Through the dissemination of the awareness-raising materials, we wish to improve general understanding of the topic as well as to mobilise everyone to bring about the necessary changes in attitudes and behaviour. We also wish to empower those working with children and young people in football activities to protect their rights, and help prevent and respond to any form of harm or abuse.
The French Football Federation mobilizes for the protection of licensees
On the occasion of the World Children’s Day, the French Football Federation announced the strengthening of its actions towards the protection of its two million licensees, including one million young people under the age of 18.
UEFA child and youth safeguarding message on World Children’s Day
Dear members and visitors of the UEFA child safeguarding platform,
The Latvian Football Federation translates the UEFA child safeguarding online courses into Latvian
The Latvian Football Federation (LFF) in cooperation with UEFA and the children’s aid organisation Terre des hommes launched the “For Safe Football” project to strengthen child safeguarding in football. Within the project, the UEFA online courses dedicated to this topic were translated into Latvian.