Video: MOVEMENT, GAMES & SPORT Action! [Terre des hommes]

Movement, Games and Sport is a non-formal methodology of education, developed by Terre des hommes Foundation, that aims to develop the professional and personal competences of the animator,  in order to increase the psychosocial and emotional abilities of the children and young people.

MGS is based on learning by experience and participation ( feedback) and has as main objectives to develop cooperation versus competition and social inclusion versus any type of exclusion and discrimination.

„MGS in Action” is a video-tutorial created among the Project zefiR - Together for Empowerment: Inclusion Fund for Rroma & other Disadvantaged Groups in order to facilitate acces to education, health and houses.

The video tutorials has six episodes, subtitled in English and specially created and adapted from the “Manual of Psychosocial competences -  Working with children and their environment”, made by Terre des hommes, 2011. The technical specifications were done by Gael Renneson.

Episode 1 “MGS …at Start! - includes a short description of MGS methodology and describes the concept of learning by experience, the basic concept of the whole methodology.                                                                                                             

Episode 2 “ANIMA women and ANIMA men - describes the atitudes and abilities required by the animators in order to implement proper activities with the children. These abilities are personal, social, methodological and technical.

Episode 3 „ MGS ...Together for the children- explore the role of the animator in the child’s life and present the global abilities developed by the youth (3 H) through the participation to the activities and the psychosocial games based on Movement, Games and Sport. 

Episode 4 „ MGS in Action  - Planning of an activity” – presents info related to the characteristics of the psychosocial game, the phases of an activity and the main methodological principles.

Episode 5 „MGS ..for all ages – offers samples of psychosocial activities adapted for different ages, describes traditional games and includes as well creative activities for the youth.

Episode 6 „MGS ...Camps, events, after-school – explore the possibility to implement psychosocial games and creative activities in schools, after- schools, trips, camps and evens organised for children and young people.
