Webinar recording: Checking criminal records as a tool to protect children in sport

Webinar criminal records
Date and time of webinar

In the fight to protect children from sexual abuse, authorities and sports organisations are becoming more aware of the need to put necessary measures in place to provide a safe environment for young athletes. One of the questions they need to answer is how to implement safer recruitment processes that ensure the suitability of people who work with children? This is also in line with the Council of Europe’s Lanzarote Convention which sets out measures to ensure that professionals in regular contact with children (including in sport) are properly screened.

Criminal record checks are one method that can help sports organisations make safe recruitment decisions. But how do they work? Are they used widely throughout European countries? What legal frameworks are needed? What challenges do they present?

To answer these questions and more, the EPAS Consultative Committee is organising a webinar on the topic.

You can watch the webinar recording and access all the presentations on this page or below.

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