All learners completing a UEFA child safeguarding online course will receive a certificate

  • UEFA online course
Terre des hommes

The UEFA child safeguarding platform has recently undergone a few changes. 

From now on, all learners who complete an online course on this platform will receive a certificate. Previously, only users with a UEFA, national football association or Terre des hommes email address could receive a certificate. If you have already taken a course but did not receive a certificate, you can contact us here and we will send you yours.

Any interested person can take our free online courses to gain the knowledge and skills they need to help keep children safe from abuse or any other forms of harm:

  • Awareness raising on child safeguarding in football. This course outlines the concept of safeguarding and our joint responsibility to make football a safe environment for children. This course is recommended for anyone involved in football, including parents, and for those interested in this topic.
  • Child safeguarding for coaches. This course is more specific and covers topics such as recognising signs of abuse, particular risk situations for children in a football environment and how to respond to safeguarding concerns.
  • Child safeguarding for staff. This course is suitable for all staff and volunteers who work directly or indirectly with children in football. The course will help them to understand their safeguarding role, how they can take preventive measures and report situations of concern.
  • Child safeguarding for child safeguarding focal points. This course provides in-depth training for those who require more specialised knowledge, such as child safeguarding focal points or designated main contacts for child safeguarding who will be handling child-related concerns.

You will need to log in or create an account in order to take the online courses.

Another update on the platform is the quick access of the UEFA child safeguarding toolkit and the online courses in each of the four languages: English, French, German, Russian.

We will also be sending out newsletters to registered members. They will provide updates about the platform and the UEFA child safeguarding programme as well as items of interest and links to recommended resources. If you would like to receive these newsletters, you have to register on the platform. The unsubscribe option will be available in the first newsletter that you receive.

Since your colleagues might share your interest in child safeguarding, feel free to invite them to discover our platform, its tools and e-learning courses.
