
Displaying 111 - 120 of 249
The NSPCC Child Protection in Sport Unit (CPSU) has launched a series of podcasts to share safeguarding guidance and best practice. The first 2 episodes have been released as part of Parents in Sport Week 2018, featuring sports parents and…
The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (UK) has developed sample codes of conduct that can be downloaded, printed and used.
These Standards provide a framework for all those involved in sport to help them create a safe sporting environment for children and young people and protect them from harm. The Standards for safeguarding and protecting children in sport (PDF)…
As the World Cup was launched an NGO started a campaign to draw attention to the issue of domestic violence. "Women experience violence and abuse at the hands of their partners every day, not just when football is on TV", the spot says.  This…
As UEFA partners, Terre des hommes participated in the UEFA Champions Festival, which took place in Kyiv, Ukraine, from May 24 until 27. The UEFA Champions Festival is an annual event held in the host city of the UEFA Champions League Final in the…
UNICEF has published a step-by-step guidance for businesses on how to set up their onw, internal child safeguarding policies, in order to ensure the safety and rights of children that come into contact wiht the organisation or its products and…
Sexual abuse happens in sport too. It is hard for children to talk. Video clip to call public authorities and the sport movement to give children a voice and stop child sexual abuse in sport. Produced by the Council of Europe with the support of the…
Sexual abuse happens in sport too. It is hard for children to talk. Video clip to call public authorities and the sport movement to give children a voice and stop child sexual abuse in sport. Produced by the Council of Europe with the support of the…
A collection of documents that constitute the FA safeguarding policies and procedures, including: Affiliated Football's Safeguarding Policy and Procedures Grassroots Safeguarding Children Policy and Procedures Template - Clun Safeguarding…
"Start to talk” is a Council of Europe call for action to public authorities and the sport movement to stop child sexual abuse. By joining this call, governments, sport clubs, associations and federations, as well as athletes and coaches,…