Child safeguarding focal points

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Webinar recording: A day in the life of a Safeguarding Lead Officer

The webinar was presented by NSPCC - Child Protection in Sport Unit, UK. It took place on Thursday, 21 January 2021, from 15.00 to 17.00 CET. Register here.

This was the second webinar in a series organised in the framework of the European Union and Council of Europe joint project "Child Safeguarding in Sport (CSiS)".

Watch below the recording of the webinar.

See something, do something! Responding to harassment and abuse in sport. A Safe Sport Allies international webinar

"Everybody in the gym saw it, but no one did anything! I was so confused." (a survivor)

Sports professionals from Europe are invited at an international webinar about responding to harassment and abuse in sport. This is a Safe Sport Allies international webinar.

The Albanian Football Association and Terre des hommes Albania conduct training on child and youth protection in football

In December 2022, the Albanian Football Association (AFA) in partnership with Terre des hommes Albania organised a training session on “Child Safeguarding in Football”. Since a long time, the AFA has been committed to developing and implementing its policies for the protection and preservation of the safety of children in football, also based on the guidelines of UEFA and FIFA.

Ahead of World Children's Day, UEFA hosted the first Summit on Child and Youth Protection in Football

The first UEFA Child and Youth Protection Summit took place on 17-18 November in Tubize (Belgium), at the Royal Belgian Football Association's (RBFA) new headquarters. Forty-nine UEFA member association’s child and youth protection officers were joined by keynote speakers of the European Commission and the Council of Europe, as well as leading researchers and experts in child and youth protection.

The Gibraltar FA: Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility

The Gibraltar Football Association, in collaboration with the English Football Association, has produced a series of documents to assist all its stakeholders in developing safeguarding policies, sending the clear message that safeguarding is everyone's responsibility! The Child safeguarding toolkit for UEFA member associations served as guidance in this process. 

UEFA vaikų saugumo užtikrinimo nuotoliniai kursai [Lithuanian]

UEFA, bendradarbiaudama su „Terre des hommes“, pradėjo vaikų saugumo užtikrinimo futbole projektą, kuriuo siekiama padėti UEFA asociacijoms narėms ir kitiems suinteresuotiesiems subjektams sustiprinti žinias ir įgūdžius vaikų saugumo užtikrinimo srityje.

Projektą sudaro vaikų saugumo užtikrinimo priemonių rinkinys ir keturi nuotolinio mokymosi kursai. Nuotolinio mokymosi kursai skirti visiems su vaikais futbole dirbantiems arba šia sritimi besidomintiems asmenims.

The Latvian Football Federation translates the UEFA child safeguarding online courses into Latvian

The Latvian Football Federation (LFF) in cooperation with UEFA and the children’s aid organisation Terre des hommes launched the “For Safe Football” project to strengthen child safeguarding in football. Within the project, the UEFA online courses dedicated to this topic were translated into Latvian.

UEFA bērnu aizsardzības tiešsaistes kursi [Latvian]

UEFA sadarbībā ar organizāciju “Terre des hommes” uzsāka bērnu aizsardzības projektu futbolā, lai palīdzētu UEFA biedru asociācijām un citām futbolā ieinteresētajām personām nostiprināt viņu bērnu zināšanas un prasmes.

Projekts ietver bērnu aizsardzības rīku komplektu un četrus pavadošos tiešsaistes kursus. Interaktīvie kursi paredzēti ikvienam, kas strādā ar bērniem futbolā vai interesējas par šo jomu.