Online courses
To support UEFA member associations, clubs and all stakeholders working to safeguard children in football in Europe in training their staff, UEFA has developed, with Terre des hommes, a suite of online courses which align with the UEFA child safeguarding toolkit.
The courses can be accessed from any location online, are free and available in English, French, German, Russian, Italian, Dutch, Romanian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Albanian, Slovakian as well as adapted to the Swiss context.
We will also share additional online courses on the subject that may be relevant for you.
This awareness raising course on child safeguarding in football offers an induction to safeguarding and will be the starting point to reflect on how to keep children safe in football.
In order to take this course, you must be a registered member.…
We acknowledge the key role that coaches play in safeguarding children. This specialised course will help coaches to enhance their knowledge and improve child safeguarding practices.
In order to take this course, you must be a registered…
Besides coaches, many people work directly or indirectly with children in football. All of them have the responsibility to be informed about children safeguarding and respond accordingly, when needed. This course will help them in fulfilling this…
This course provides in-depth training for those who require more specialised knowledge, such as child safeguarding focal points and or designated main contacts for child safeguarding who will be managing child-related concerns.
In order to take…
This online course was developed by Terre des hommes, within the "Keeping Children Safe in Sports" project. The project aims to promote child safeguarding in sports and summer camp settings in Romania and Greece, however, this knowledge can be…
Children have the right to freely express their views and participate in decisions that affect their lives (Art. 12 and 13 of the Convention in the Rights of the Child). Adults working with children in football therefore have a responsibility…
This course is designed for child care practitioners and child protection workers who want to learn more about helping children to participate in the decisions which affect them.
As front-line practitioners, we have a great deal of influence in the…
UEFA and Terre des hommes have developed four interactive online courses on child safeguarding in football. The courses are intended for anyone working with children in football or interested in this field.
You will need to log in or create an…
УЕФА и организация Terre des hommes разработали четыре интерактивных онлайн-курса по защите детей в футболе. Эти курсы предназначены для всех, кто работает с детьми в футболе или интересуется данной сферой.
Чтобы пройти онлайн-курс, необходимо…
L’UEFA et Terre des hommes ont conçu et mis en ligne quatre cours interactifs sur la sauvegarde de l’enfance dans le football. Ces cours s’adressent aux personnes qui travaillent auprès d’enfants dans le domaine du football ou qui s’intéressent à…
Die UEFA und Terre des hommes haben vier interaktive Online-Kurse zum Thema Kinderschutz im Fußball entwickelt. Die Kurse richten sich an alle, die im Fußball mit Kindern arbeiten bzw. an diesem Thema interessiert sind.
Sie müssen sich einloggen…
UEFA lanceerde in partnerschap met Terre des hommes een project omtrent een veilig voetbalklimaat voor kinderen. Zo proberen ze hun aangesloten verenigingen en andere belanghebbenden in het voetbal te helpen bij het versterken van kennis en…
UEFA a lansat un proiect pentru protecția copilului în fotbal în parteneriat cu Terre des hommes pentru a ajuta asociațiile membre UEFA și alte părți interesate din fotbal să îți reîmprospăteze cunoștințele și aptitudinile cu privire la protecția…
UEFA sadarbībā ar organizāciju “Terre des hommes” uzsāka bērnu aizsardzības projektu futbolā, lai palīdzētu UEFA biedru asociācijām un citām futbolā ieinteresētajām personām nostiprināt viņu bērnu zināšanas un prasmes.
Projekts ietver bērnu…
L’UEFA ha avviato, in collaborazione con Terre des hommes, un progetto dedicato alla tutela dei minori nel calcio per aiutare le associazioni affiliate all’UEFA e gli altri soggetti coinvolti nel mondo del calcio ad aumentare le proprie conoscenze e…
UEFA rozpoczęła projekt "Ochrona dzieci w piłce nożnej" we współpracy z Terre des hommes, aby pomóc związkom członkowskim UEFA i innym zainteresowanym stronom związanym z piłką nożną w poszerzeniu wiedzy i umiejętności w zakresie ochrony dzieci.…
A UEFA lançou, em parceria com a Terre des hommes, um projeto de proteção de jovens atletas no futebol, destinado a ajudar federações membros da UEFA e outros intervenientes no futebol a reforçar os seus conhecimentos e aptidões na área da proteção…
Der Schweizerische Fussballverband SFV bietet seinen Clubs Online-Kurse in den drei Landessprachen, Deutsch (CH), Französisch (CH) und Italienisch (CH) an. Die Kurse basieren auf dem…
L’Association Suisse de Football ASF propose des cours en ligne sur la sauvegarde de l’enfance à ses clubs. Ces cours sont disponibles en allemand (CH), français (CH) et italien (CH)…
L'Associazione Svizzera di Football ASF offre corsi online sulla protezione dei bambini ai suoi club. I corsi sono disponibili in tedesco (CH), francese (CH) e italiano (IT) e sono basati sul concetto di…
UEFA, bendradarbiaudama su „Terre des hommes“, pradėjo vaikų saugumo užtikrinimo futbole projektą, kuriuo siekiama padėti UEFA asociacijoms narėms ir kitiems suinteresuotiesiems subjektams sustiprinti žinias ir įgūdžius vaikų saugumo užtikrinimo…
UEFA spustila v partnerstve s Terre des hommes projekt ochrany detí vo futbale s cieľom pomôcť členským asociáciám UEFA a ďalším zainteresovaným stranám posilniť ich znalosti a zručnosti v oblasti ochrany detí.
Projekt zahŕňa súbor nástrojov na…
UEFA ka nisur një projekt për mbrojtjen e fëmijëve në futboll në partneritet me organizatën Terre des Hommes për të ndihmuar shoqatat anëtare të UEFA-s dhe aktorët e tjerë të futbollit që të përforcojnë njohuritë dhe aftësitë e tyre për mbrojtjen e…